Music Projects
with Melanie Gilligan, 2003-
Crisis in the Credit System
7” single/mp3 on Difficult Fun DF007 – Nov 3, 2008

First/last/only pop song about the 2008 financial crisis (ongoing):
‘And just before the ground expires
the past is consumed in fire
and grief, grief will be far too late
the whole world will share your fate
and take the fall for you’
Petit Mal/Petit Mal
LP, Difficult Fun, 2009

Inside cover: Josephine Pryde

2005: Petit Mal ‘Crisis II’, Und Jetzt Alle, Text Zur Kunst Sounds compilation, Text Zur Kunst no.60.
(Selected shows):
13 August 2010 Petit Mal live performance at Walter Phillips Gallery, The Banff Centre, Alberta, Canada. Opening event for the exhibition Popular Unrest by Melanie Gilligan, and the Banff Summer Arts Festival.
19 November 2009: Petit Mal live performance at the ICA, London supporting The Red Krayola.
24 September 2009: Petit Mal live performance Karlsruhe Kunstverein for launch of exhibition ‘The Last Days of Jack Sheppard’, Anja Kirschner & David Panos.
9 May 2009: Petit Mal (Ben Seymour and Melanie Gilligan) live session on WFMU radio, Jersey City, NY, USA.
6 May 2009: Petit Mal, live performance at Grey Room event at Issue Project Room, New York USA. With Emma Hedditch, Jutta Koether and Tony Conrad.
February 2009: Petit Mal – Petit Mal, 12 track album out on Difficult Fun records (CD only). Produced, recorded, written, with Melanie Gilligan. Tracks available online:
Mount Dimension:
(fan video, thanks Ben in Kassel!)
2 January 2009: Petit Mal live performance at Late at Tate, Tate Britain, London
13 October 2008: Petit Mal – ‘Crisis in the Credit System’, 7” single/mp3 (label: Difficult Fun).
19 July 2008: Petit Mal, live performance, Analog Festival, Dublin, Eire.
27 April 2008: Petit Mal, live performance,
Gi Festival closing party, CCA Glasgow, Scotland.
New band of the week, The Guardian 10 Sept 2008, Paul Lester
No 387: Petit Mal
You don't have to have a working knowledge of socio-economic structuralism to enjoy this nerdy electro-pop duo, but it may help
No 387: Petit Mal
You don't have to have a working knowledge of socio-economic structuralism to enjoy this nerdy electro-pop duo, but it may help
Hometown: London.
The lineup: Ben Seymour (synths) and Melanie Gilligan (vocals).
The background: Petit Mal may be an electro-pop duo comprising one boy and one girl, but The Ting Tings they are not. Their debut single isn't called "Oi! DJ Shut Up and Let Me Dance" or anything like that. No, it's called Crisis In the Credit System and, notwithstanding Stereolab's socio-political messages and Marxist critiques, it's the first pop song about the credit crunch, even though it was actually written two years ago. Which makes them not just brainier than The Ting Tings, but more prescient, too.
They must be brainy because one of them, Ben Seymour, is the Deputy Editor of online publication, Mute, who recently wrote something about regeneration and gentrification in London, made a film on the subject and worked on a series of photo-essays on the restructuring of the capital's East End while creating a research database for "antagonists of contemporary urbanism". Meanwhile, his partner Melanie Gilligan, hardly a dunce herself, is a sometime filmmaker who penned an article, Slumsploitation - The Favela on Film and TV, on "the cinema of slums" (eg City Of God), that explored the difficult subject of "whether representation is the answer to 'social exclusion' or one of the mechanisms of its reproduction". Blimey. As synthpop duos go, Petit Mal make the Pet Shop Boys look a bit, well, thick. One of their songs is called Mt Dimension and features a line about "Escher-like cross-characterisation". Petit Mal have been labelled "Chris & Cosey meet Malaria, with lyrics by Robbe-Grillet". And not for nothing. Robbe-Grillet was a French writer (he died in February) whose style was described as "phenomenological". Enough said.

And yet, and yet ... You can dance to them. Just. "Petit mal" is used to mean seizure, the sort that occurs during epilepsy, but you don't have to jerk manically like Ian Curtis while their music is playing. They've got that arty/accessible duality down pat, the sort that early '80s synth-duos used to have, so that before you even realise it, you're humming and moving along to ideas that are quite high-falutin' and complex. While the electronic melodies are easy on the ear, the lyrics are likely to be about how "grief is a curious state" or somesuch. Crisis In the Credit System might be sung with Teutonic dispassion by Gilligan, and it might be about "the mysteries of the global financial system ... based on a prophecy of financial apocalypse", but it's accompanied by a lovely melancholy tune and a finger-clicking electronic beat. Yes, the single will be featured in a four-part fictional film of the same name that Gilligan has scripted and directed (to be released online on September 29), one that makes connections between Northern Rock and Das Kapital, but that doesn't make it any less enjoyable, even if a working knowledge of capitalist imperatives and socio-economic structures is recommended.
The buzz: "The most interesting and forward looking artists on the avant-electronic underground pop scene!"
The truth: Erudite disco can have mass appeal – remember, the Pet Shop Boys used to reference Che Guevara and Debussy on their hits...
Most likely to: Seize the means of production.
Least likely to: Induce seizures – this music really is just standard, infectious electro-pop.
What to buy: Crisis In The Credit System is released by Difficult Fun on October 13.
File next to: Pet Shop Boys, Tears For Fears, OMD, Yazoo.

Highbrow electro ... Petit Mal in the studio
Dan Fox in Frieze magazine on Melanie Gilligan’s film, crisis in the credit system
With Rachel Baker, Melanie Gilligan, Anja Kirschner, David Panos, Jamie King
Antifamily are a collective of artists operating both in the U.K. and Germany. I stress 'artists' because they are not only musicians, but Marxists, painters, poets ... the list goes on. This LP, self-titled and released on London label Difficult Fun, utilizes 10 of those artists to create an effectively politically-charged post punk album.
Antifamily – Antifamily
LP (vinyl and CD) on Difficult Fun , 2006
‘Antifamily are a collective of artists operating both in the U.K. and Europe. I stress “artists” because they are not only musicians, but Marxists, painters, poets ... the list goes on. This LP, self-titled and released on London label Difficult Fun, utilizes 10 of those artists to create an effectively politically-charged post punk album.
Front and back cover by Anja Kirschner
Inner sleeve by Pauline Broekman

With Agnese Trocchi Dennis Dubovtsev, Juliette Savin, Martin Münch
2004: Antifamily – Antifamily EP, Difficult Fun.
Cover: Melanie Gilligan/ Antifamily

June 2005: Antifamily – Game & Erancy
Compilation LP, Difficult Fun
Jan 2004: Antifamily / Antifamily EP
‘as culturally significant as Monet’ (?!)

Antifamily live at Tourette's, W139 Amsterdam October 31st 2003. Thanks to Rod Dickinson
(1999 -2001?)
Commie (versus) libertarian rock’n’roll with Nicholas Brooks, Jamie King, David Panos.
Unreleased LP produced by Bruce Jones

Aug 2002: The Snakes, ‘Little Machine’,
4Eva – A tribute to fanaticism, The Physics Room, NZ.