I am sitting in a Zoom
March 2021
A Zoom lecture performance reprising Alvin Lucier’s 1969 minimalist sound work I am Sitting in a Room for the moment of covid lockdown, George Floyd Uprising, and Capitol siege.
By joining a single Zoom meeting with two different inputs (phone and laptop), the performer provokes the platform into a form of positive feedback, a self-inflicted Zoom bombing.
Cybernetics derives from kybernetes, the Greek work for steersman, and studies organization, communication and control in complex systems by focusing on circular (feedback) mechanisms.
Commissioned for the online conference Dysfunctionalities in Art at EKATE, Nicosia, Cyprus, 13 March 2021
See also: Short Circuits: Finance, Feedback and Culture
Mute Magazine, 2011
Lecture version: Goldsmiths, University of London, 2015