Can Dialectics Break Gravity?

2014, with Matthew Noel-Tod

Can Dialectics Break Gravity? is a critical (non)reproduction of René Vienet's Can Dialectics Break Bricks? (1973), a Situationist hijacking of a martial arts film. The film repeats and updates Vienet's verbal kung fu chop to bureaucratic socialism, post-structuralism, and sexism. Taking aim at austerity, accelerationist theory, and social reproduction 3.0 (contracted), CDBG asks if the abolition of gender will be automated after all.

Texts automated, recombined and put into (tense) dialogue include Valerie Solanas' ‘SCUM Manifesto’, Eduardo Rothe’s ‘The Conquest of Space in the Time of Power’, among others.

“... Houston, I have a bad feeling about this mission… Half of North America just lost their Facebook… No-go for re-entry...”