FILM (Director, writer):
My films are held in the BFI archive:
‘One Nation Under a Grave’ (20 January, 2020, 22’22), premiere at Kode 2, Bergen, Norway. Revisiting Derek Jarman’s ‘Blue’ (1991) in the context of Brexit, Tory victory and Labour defeat:
‘Opportunities’ (2018, 2’20 mins):
‘You Make Me Feel So (1917)’, (2018, 4’ 52), by트Generation (with Soohyun Choi):
‘Dead the Ends’ (2017), Writer, Director, 106 mins. World Premiere BFI London Film Festival (Experimenta) October 2017. ICA cinema and Rich Mix, London. Trailer: Full film:
‘La Re-’ (2015; working title of ‘Dead the Ends’).
‘Can Dialectics Break Gravity?’ (2014), 52’, Dir. Benedict Seymour and Matthew Noel-Tod Commissioned by and screened at Banner Repeater, London 4 April 2014; 26 July 2014 ICA London.
‘Bang!’ (2012), 23:50, Dir: Matthew Noel-Tod, Script/screenplay by Benedict Seymour.
Review by Hannah Black, Mute Magazine, 12 Feb 2013:
‘Olympicfield’ (2009) – Writer/director (3’:28”) video. Commissioned for London-Delhi 2010-2012, a digital arts collaboration with Watermans art centre in Brentford and Sarai in Delhi. Screenings inc BFI Southbank January 2019:
March 09: Script and editing consultant on ‘The Last Days of Jack Sheppard’ (2009), dir Anja Kirschner and David Panos. Screened at The Chisenhale Gallery, London, 8 May – 21 June 2009.
August 2007: Co-wrote feature screenplay, ‘The Subject’, with Melanie Gilligan and Matthew Huston.
July 2003: ‘The London Particular’, (55 min) Benedict Seymour and David Panos (dir); additional images Melanie Gilligan and Simeon Tiller. Part of a collaborative project researching urban regeneration, The London Particular. Screenings include: Soho Theatre, the Other Cinema, community discussions, galleries, festivals and events in UK, Spain, Germany, and NYC.
August 2001: ‘The Occupation’, (20 min), Co-director, writer and editor (with David Panos). Documentary on gentrification, regeneration and culture. Screenings inc Edinburgh Indymedia and Leeds International Festival, galleries, local community screenings UK, Spain, Amsterdam and NYC.
Website: Sept 2006. Official launch of[now offline] – website researching urban ‘regeneration’ in the east end of London and beyond
POSITIONS (Lecturer, Editor)
October 2019-January 2020: Lecturer Historical and Contextual Studies, ‘Sound / Music & Moving Image’ module, Moving Image BA (Hons), University of Brighton.
Oct 2008 – Nov 09: Lecturer BA Fine Art Wimbledon, London: Contextual studies seminars, lectures and studio practice tutorials.
October 2007 – present: Lecturer in Critical Studies, Fine Art MFA, University of London Goldsmiths.
Oct 2005 – 2007: Visiting Tutor for Critical Studies, Fine Art MFA, University of London Goldsmiths.
Oct 2008-present: core member of the Mute Magazine (online only) editorial collective, London UK. []. Nov 2003 – Oct 2008: Deputy Editor, Mute Magazine. Commissioning, writing and editing this quarterly ACE funded art, culture and politics magazine). I commissioned and edited writers and theorists including Alberto Toscano, Melanie Gilligan, Hannah Black, Benjamin Noys, Evan Calder Williams, Mark Fisher, and others.
October 2008 – May 2009: Editor ‘UK Arts Overview’: a survey of the arts in Britain for the British Council, published on the CtC UK and China websites.
May 2000 – April 2001: Editor, Editor of online art magazine and copywriter for online gallery’s website. Writing, commissioning and editing features, news and reviews.
20-27 August 2020, Bergen, ‘One Nation Under a Grave’ (2020, 22'22) screening in The Second Chapter, one week group show at 3,14 Bergen, curated by Gitte Saetre
ICA Daily 24 May 2020 (Online): ‘Dead the Ends’ (image and streaming video), published together with my article on the politics of coronavirus in the UK: ‘This isn’t a virus, it’s a time machine’ (Mute Magazine, 16 May) selected by Stefan Kalmár:
18 December 2019: ‘Opportunities’ (2018, 2’20 mins) screened at Experimenta Mixtape number 7, BFI Southbank NFT 3, London.
3 October 2019: ‘Dead the Ends’, screening at Hamlet.Love, Zurich. Programed by Jiajia Zhang as part of Cinema Hamlet, 5 weekends of screenings exploring transformation and the moving image.
July 2019: ‘Dead the Ends’ USA tour, a series of screenings and Q&A’s:
Yale Union, Portland, 11 July;
Tamarack, Oakland, 13 July; Artists Television Access, San Francisco 14 July;
The Public School, Los Angeles, 16 July.
29 April 2019: ‘Dead the Ends’, German and Romance Literatures and Languages Department (GRLL) at Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland, Spring 2019. Screening and Q&A as part of the undergraduate upper level course ‘Art and Revolution in European Theatre and Film after 1945’ convened by Christiane Kettler.
28 March 2019: ‘Dead the Ends’, screening and discussion with BA students convened by Nizan Shaked, California State University, Long Beach at London American Institute for Foreign Study, London.
10 January 2019, ‘Olympicfield’ (2009) screened at Experimenta Mix Tape #1, BFI Southbank London.
17 October 2018: ‘Dead the Ends’, Centre for Entangled Media Research (CEMR), College of Arts and the School of Film and Media at the University of Lincoln. Screening and talk at ‘The Future of the Digital Image, a seminar on Dead the Ends’ convened by Dean Lockwood and Dave Boothroyd, with contributions and papers by Rob Coley, Marie Thompson & Thomas Sutherland, Martin Thayne and Dean Lockwood.
4 October 2018: ‘Dead the Ends’, Spectacle Theatre, Brooklyn, NY, USA, Screening and Q&A.
29 September 2018: ‘Dead the Ends’ (2017), NYU, New York, US Premiere. Screening and Symposium at The Colloquium for Unpopular Culture. With Hari Kunzru, Sukhdev Sandhu and members of the NYU Cinema Studies and Literature Depts. Forthcoming: Proceedings from the symposium will also be the basis of a stand-alone publication in a series produced by the New York-based Texte und Töne imprint. The publication will feature contributions from Anna McCarthy (head of Cinema Studies at NYU), Leo Goldsmith (cinema studies NYU, Brooklyn Rail) and Chris Darke (Critic Film Comment, Sight & Sound).
16 May 2018: ‘Dead the Ends’, University of Kent, Department of Law. Screening and discussion with Elizabeth Cowie and Thanos Zartouladis.
10 May 2018: ‘Dead the Ends’, Whitechapel Gallery London, (Artists' Film programme). Screening and Q&A with Curator Gareth Evans.
22 February 2018: ‘Dead the Ends’, Screening and Q&A at Hospital Prison University Archive, Copenhagen, with Jakob Jakobsen. In connection with the exhibition on art, money and value with the 'Art for Goods' association and Joen Vedel.
9 Feb 2018 ‘Dead the Ends’, screened at QAGOMA Australian Cinémathèque Brisbane Australia.
30 January 2018: ‘Dead the Ends’, Anagram Books, Berlin, Germany– screening and discussion with the poet Sean Bonney and film maker Sacha Kahir.
26 January 2018: Screening and Talk: ‘Dead the Ends: Reading the Text of the 2011 Riots’ at Riots: Dissent and Spectres, Control and Ruptures, Berlin. A 2-day seminar accompanying the show Riots: Slow Cancellation of the Future 26 Jan – 1 April 2018 at ifa-Galerie Berlin, curated by Natasha Ginwala.
15th October 2017: (World Premiere) ‘Dead the Ends’ at ICA Cinema, followed by screening at Rich Mix, 15th October. Official Selection BFI London Film Festival 2017 in the Lux Experimenta strand. Review by Paul Clinton in Frieze, 26 October, 2017:
September 2016, Excerpt from ‘The London Particular' (2003) included in Matthew Noel-Tod ‘Soft Floor Hard Film’ (9.45’) exploring 50 years of the London Film Makers Co-op. Frieze commission film premiered at ICA London
10 December 2015: Screening of ‘La re’ (work in progress), Artists Film club, ICA London;;
September 2015: Screening and discussion of ‘La re’ (work in progress), ‘Dognmuseum’, Bergen Public Library, plus tutorials and workshop at Khib (art school), Bergen.
July 2015: ‘La re’ screened as part of ‘On Floating Bodies, or Can Dialectics Break Gravity?’, Day workshop at ICA London with Matthew Noel-Tod and Clunie Reid,;
23-24 May 2015: ‘La re’ screened as part of ‘Art & Detournement Seminar’, Bunkier Sztuki, Krakow Poland: 2-day seminar on the condition(s) of digital non-reproduction. Also screened ‘Can Dialectics Break Gravity?’ (2014).
21 Nov 2015 18:00: ‘Bang!’, Screening and Q&A at Cinecity: 14th Brighton Film Festival, with Matthew Noel-Tod and David Panos:
4 April 2014 ‘Can Dialectics Break Gravity?’ by Benedict Seymour and Matthew Noel-Tod. Premiere at Banner Repeater London:
30 August 2012: ‘Bang!’ (2012), 23:50 premiere at Chisenhale Gallery.
29 July 2012: ‘Olympicfield’ screened in the show Westworld, 29 July-19 August 2012 at Xero Kline & Coma London. Curated by Scare in the Community (Julika Gittner and Jon Purnell). Accompanied by a publication including my story ‘The Drought’ (2012). Short fiction revisiting JG Ballard’s ‘60s scifi in the context of climate change and urban ‘regeneration’ as rolling state of emergency.
July 2020: ‘Dissolving the People’, essay in How To Win, an anthology of writing and artworks by Tories Out Propaganda Unit (TOPU), PDF available online:
March 2020: ‘La Rejetée’, essay-fiction interrogating recent theories of the (moving) image in the context of financialisation and social media. Published in The Memory of it Sometimes Comes to you – Encircling the Image of Trauma, pub. Centre d’Art Contemporain/Archive Books, Geneva. Matei Bellu and Emilie Bujès, eds. ISBN : 978-3-943620-53-5 EAN : 9783943620535
September 2018: Art and the Utopia of (Non-)Reproduction. In: John Chilver and Brighid Lowe, eds. Manual: Parts and Labour. Osan: Gwak Sang-wook, Osan Culture Foundation, pp. 22-23. ISBN 978-89-968948-2-8
August 2017: ‘The re-Jetée: 1971, Recurring’, a speculative treatment for a reinvention of Chris Marker’s ‘La jetée’, published in WdW Review Vol.1 (2013-16): Arts, Culture, and Journalism in Revolt (book), Edited by Defne Ayas, Adam Kleinman. Anthology of Witte de With’s online platform WdW Review since its inception in 2013. This publication is selected as one of 33 Best Dutch Book Designs 2017. ISBN 9789491435478.
September 2014: ‘Primer'’ – essay-fiction reworking Sean Carruth’s film about a start-up outfit who accidentally create a time machine to explore the new wave of postinternet art and gentrification in south London. David Riff; Ekaterina Degott and Jill Winder, eds. Monday Begins on Saturday. Berlin: Sternberg Press, 2014, pp. 123-163. ISBN 978-3-943365-74-0
2013-14: Commissioning Editor ‘Aesthetic Education Expanded’: Commissioned and edited a series of 12 long-form essays for Mute Magazine, London, with Berliner Gazette, Kontrapunkt (Macedonia) and Multimedia Institute (Croatia). Funded by the European Commission: Authors include film critic Joshua Clover and poet Anne Boyer.
Sept 2010: ‘Creativity’s Rainbow’, speculative fiction reworking Thomas Pynchon and Philip K Dick’s post-war scifi to (satirically) imagine the aftermath of the creative class in a time of growing austerity and reaction. English and Russian translation in catalogue for ‘Shockworkers Of The Mobile Image’, the First Ural Industrial Biennale of Contemporary Art 2010, Ekaterinberg, Russia. English and Russian translation. Edited by Ekaterina Degot, David Riff and Cosmin Costinas. [Review of show in Frieze magazine,]
November 2009: ‘Proud to be Flesh – A Mute Magazine Anthology’ (book), editor and contributor, Mute Publishing/Autonomedia, London, 2009. ISBN: 978-1-906496-27-2. 624 page book collecting writing and art from 15 years of Mute Magazine. Features three of my essays including: ‘Drowning By Numbers: The (Non)Reproduction of New Orleans’. Disaster-catalysed primitive accumulation as strategy of the white supremacist US economy in decline:
June 2006: Text and images of regeneration mapping project in Else/where: Mapping — New Cartographies of Networks and Territories, University of Minnesota Design Institute, 2005, ed. Janet Abrams and Peter Hall. Scholarly anthology on techniques and contemporary applications of mapping.
2005 Editor: Mute vol2 #0 Precarious Reader, a collection of articles and writings on the politics of precarity from Mute magazine and other sources. 2005-09, ISSN 1356-7748-200 & ISBN 9780955066405.
May 2020: ‘This isn’t a virus, it’s a time machine’ (Mute Magazine) “Benedict Seymour takes Fredric Jameson’s 2015 essay ‘In Hyperspace’ as a starting point to compare the current UK government’s Covid-19 and Brexit policies – a device to effect a collective leap into the future, only with the twist that this leap into the ‘future' is actually a radical leap into a reactionary past, a rapid leap backwards.” – Stefan Kalmár
July 2014 Game of Thralls – an Art & Labour Fantasia [Organizing in the artworld]
May 2014, Notes on Normcore,
April 2014 ‘The re-Jetée: 1971, Recurring:’ Fiction-theory for WDW Review, Rotterdam, 1971 section.
April 2014 Domino, No No No! [Culture and Gentrification in Williamsburg]
March 2014 Nuff Aura: Absolute artwork meets absolute desperation [Hip hop as asset class]
Dec 2013: A Christmas gif(t): On gifs, time and the carnivalesque:
April 2013: Keep Calm and Carrion: Two Funerals and a Reflection. [Thatcher death parties in UK]
October 2012: Nothing is Better than Love: How not to repeat Weimar in Greece. [Critique of Paul Mason on Grexit.]
August 2012: Crime Scene Investigation. [Bullets in Broadway Market, Hackney.]
July 2012 Alternative Olympics [The London Riots and the Olympics as ‘negation of negation’]
July 2012: Anish Kapoor/Vanish the Poor: 3 Olympic Symptoms. Art and the elimination of labour:
June 2012: Slave to the Rhythm or the Promissory Form of Labour: Workfare, mass ornament, and jubilee:
Jan 2012: ‘Le jetée’s Spiral’: review of Les Marques Aveugles at the Centre d'Art Contemporain in Geneva. Modernist film tropes and their afterlife in the loops of post-Fordist restructuring.
July, 2011: ‘Short Circuits: Finance, Feedback and Culture’, Mute Magazine, Vol3, no.1.
July 2010, ‘Eliminating Labour: Aesthetic Economy in Harun Farocki’, on devalorisation in a high-tech cinematic oeuvre, Mute Magazine, Vol2, no.16.
Sept 2009: : ‘Something is happening but you don’t know what it is’ essay published in ‘Finance’ – Stanley Picker Gallery Lectures on Art part 4, by Benedict Seymour and Anthony Davies with Ian Hunt, editor Dean Kenning, pub. Centre for Useless Splendour, Kingston University, London, pub.2009. ISBN: 978-0-9563782-0-0.
May 2008: ‘Blurred Boundaries: Sport, Art and Activity’, Mute magazine, Vol.2, no.8.
Kicking off with Harun Farocki’s remarkable multi-screen dissection of a single World Cup football match, Deep Play, this essay goes back to CLR James’ and Marx’s analyses of working class culture to recover a generative conception of media in fully commodified, looted and rebooted image culture:
2007: Editor, Scum of the Republic – Banlieuesards and the Left, a short pamphlet on the 2005 riots in France. Published by Mute Books, London.
May 2006 Editor, The Class of the New, Richard Barbrook, a Creative Workers in a World City book published by Open Mute.
April, 2006: Mutiny in the Mainstream, Journal of Visual Culture, Volume: 5 issue: 1, page(s): 112-114
July 2003: ‘Fear Death By Water’ – Special artist’s project by The London Particular (Ben Seymour and David Panos) on the gentrification of central Hackney in Mute magazine, issue 26:
July 2002: ‘Back to Zero’ – On Jean-Luc Godard’s political cinema, Mute 21.
With digital technology and ‘anti-globalisation’ politics fusing to create a new wave of activist cinema, this piece returned to Jean-Luc Godard’s post-1968 (Maoist) films as ambiguous but fascinating experiments in revolutionary (old) new media:
March 2002: ‘Bio-Pics’ – on Pasolini and Agamben, Mute 23. Explores the relation between Pier Paolo Pasolini’s ’70s films and philosopher Giorgio Agamben’s theory of ‘bare life’ and sovereign power.
March 2002: ‘When Worlds Collide’ – article on painter, Nigel Cooke, Frieze 65. Exploring an art of apocalypse as Agambenian state of exception, this piece anticipates contemporary concerns with new materialism and accelerationism.
March 2002: ‘Do the Right Thing! The Anti-Globalisation Movement after S11’ Texte Zur Kunst, no.44.
Dec 2001: ‘The Last Picture Show’ – on closure of the Lux cinema, Mute 22. Rent and cinema in the east end.
March 2002: ‘When Worlds Collide’ – article on painter, Nigel Cooke, Frieze 65.
July 2001: ‘Blockbusting the Election’ Mute 20.
May 2001: ‘Nationalise This!’ – Analysis of ‘anti-globalisation’ movement, Radical Philosophy, 107.
April 2001: ‘Two or Three Things I Know About Her’ – Regeneration in London, Mute Magazine, issue 19. Jean-Luc Godard’s film of 1966 explored the transformation of the Parisian region by massive urban re-planning and development. This article applies his technique to the phenomenon or urban ‘regeneration’ today:
April 2001: ‘The Battle of Seattle’ for Log magazine: rap about ‘anti-globalisation’.
Feb 2001: Review Chad McCail, Laurent Delaye Gallery, London Frieze 57.
Jan 2001: Review Jeremy Deadman, Five Years, London, Frieze 56.
Sept 2000: Review ‘Club Circuits’ Southampton, Public Art Journal.
June 2000: ‘Rabble Rousers’ - Antonio Negri and Michael Hardt’s Empire, Mute 18.
May 2000: ‘Coral Maze’ review of Mike Nelson at Matt’s Gallery, Mute 17.
May 2000 – April 2001: Editor, Editor of online art magazine and copywriter for online gallery’s website. Writing, commissioning and editing features, news and reviews.
April 2000: Review ‘Wooden Heart’, AVCO London, Art Monthly, 235.
Dec 1999: ‘Everything Must Go’ – on creativity, capitalism and the ‘CRASH! Corporatism & Complicity’ exhibition at the ICA, Mute 16.
Sept 1999: Review Henry Bond, Emily Tsingou, London, Frieze 54.
June 1999: ‘Rehabilitating the Subject’ – review of The Ticklish Subject by Slavoj Zizek, Mute 13.
August 1998: Review of ‘The Situationist City’ by Simon Sadler Mute 11.
1998 – May 2000: Freelance writing for a range of magazines, papers and websites including: Dazed & Confused: interview with the philosopher Slavoj Zizek (issue 54, May 99) and The Independent on Sunday: Full page feature on Zizek (21st June 98).
25 Jan 2018: Workload: Working as an Artist under Post-Fordism, Tate Exchange, London. A workshop organized by Pil and Galia Kollectiv and led by Sophie Hope and Benedict Seymour and focusing on artists’ work.
29 Nov 2017: Contemporary Art Talks: Benedict Seymour, The Department of Art Public Talks Programme Autumn 2017, Goldsmiths University of London (Artists Talk)
2 March 2015: ‘Short Circuits: Finance, Feedback and Culture’, Goldsmiths MFA Visiting Lecture series.
22 Feb 2013: ‘Utopia &/or non-reproduction?’ Talk at ‘Life After Work’ conversations, Utopia, QMC, London.
May 2015: ‘Short Circuits: Finance, Feedback and Culture, Goldsmiths MFA Visiting Lecture series.
Feb 2013 ‘Utopia &/or non-reproduction?’ Talk at ‘Life After Work’ conversations, Utopia, QMC, London.
Organised talks and talk series for Mute Magazine between 2003 and 2012 including panels at Historical Materialism 2011 and 2013 featuring Alberto Toscano, Loren Goldner, Gail Day, Marina Vishmidt and myself; series on crisis and capital by Loren Goldner, struggle in the slums by Richard Pitthouse.
18 May 2010: Marxism: Radical Alternative or Totalitarian Relic? Debate at The Brno House of Arts, Brno, Czech Republic. Organised by the European magazine network, Eurozine (Vienna European Commission.
10 May 2010: Talk on the politics of social reproduction and financial crisis with a screening of ‘The London Particular’ at Eskalera Karakola social centre in Lavapies, Madrid. Part of a parallel programme of films and discussions alongside the Principio Potosí exhibition at the Reina Sofia, Madrid, Spain.
5 Febuary 2010 – Principio Potosí. Modernidad y la llamada acumulación originaria. Talk at public seminar featuring myself, Chto Delat, and others. Part of the exhibition Principio Potosi at the Reina Sofia, Madrid, curated by Alice Creischer and Andreas Sieckmann.
1 July 2009: Urban Frontier – Led a walk and talk through East London and the Olympic zone as part of London-Delhi 2010-2012, a digital arts collaboration between artists and young people in London and Delhi with Watermans art centre in Brentford.
4 June 2009: Talk at The Chisenhale Gallery in London on the relationship between representation, value and finance as refracted in the film The Last Days of Jack Sheppard.
16 April 2009: ‘Loren Goldner’s Theory of Crisis’ - Talk on capitalist crisis at Birkbeck Group meeting, London.
1 April 2009: ‘Something is happening but you don’t know what it is’ – Talk on art and financial crisis at Stanley Picker Gallery, Kingston University, London.
15 February 2009: Talk on Marx’s theory of value, fictitious capital and crisis at 2 day conference, Finanskrise Socialkrise, Folkets Hus, Copenhagen, Denmark.
7 October 2008: Screening/talk on art & gentrification, Wimbledon College of Art, BA Talks programme.
3 August 2008: Organiser ‘The Assault On Culture: A Mute Magazine talk on privatisation and critical artistic practice’, Publish & Be Damned self-publishing fair, London.
1st July 2008: Organiser. ‘Feeding Frenzy – a Discussion on Food, Fuel and Finance’, The Church House, London.
13 June 2008: Screened The London Particular (film, 2003) and gave a talk on regen, art and housing, Mama media centre, Zagreb, Croatia.
27th May 2008, screening of The London Particular (2003), at conference: Urban artscapes: revisioning contemporary London, UCL.
24 May 2008: ‘Art, Sport, and Shopping – from modernist utopia to neoliberal dystopia’
Lecture, BB3 Bucharest International Biennale, Rumania.
13 June 2008: Screened The London Particular (2003) and gave a talk on regen, art and housing, Mama media centre, Zagreb, Croatia.
27th May 2008, screening of The London Particular (2003), at conference: Urban artscapes: revisioning contemporary London, UCL.
24 January 2008: Speaker on ‘Failure and Art’ at Serpentine Gallery Sweatshop, Goethe Institute, London.
9 November 2007: Talk and screening on art, gentrification and protest at The Journal for Northeast Issues - A Living Magazine by projektgruppe (Insert 6 at Kunstverein in Hamburg, 9 November - 30 December), Hamburg 2007.
1 September 2007: Talk and screening ‘Bare Life and Living Labour’ as part of Documenta 12 magazines programme, Documenta-Halle, Kassel,
22 May 2007: Speaker on gentrification, art and activism, ‘A Tale of Two Cities’, Soho Theatre, London.
Jan 2007: Series of talks on regeneration and culture with films by The London Particular at Centre for Contemporary Arts Glasgow and other venues in Glasgow and Edinburgh.
16 May 2006: Speaker at the Art, Community, and Urban Regeneration conference, London Centre for Arts and Cultural Enterprise (LCACE) conference, GLA City Hall.
12 Feb 2005: Screening/discussion around The London Particular (film, 2003), at Precair Forum: Precarious Work, Migration, The City, Amsterdam.
Feb 2004: Screening of Spanish language version of ‘The London Particular’, CHASM, Centre De Art Santa Monica Barcelona.
Organised talks and talk series for Mute Magazine between 2003 and 2012 including panels at Historical Materialism 2011 and 2013 featuring Alberto Toscano, Loren Goldner, Gail Day, Marina Vishmidt and myself; series on crisis and capital by Loren Goldner, struggle in the slums by Richard Pitthouse.
17 Sept 2003: Speaker at the Artist as Activist conference (ACE Interrupt series), University of Manchester.
31 July 03: Co-programmed screening of 3 films about gentrification at The Other Cinema, London including premiere of The London Particular.
Nov 2002: The Physical Impossibility of Regeneration in the Mind of Somebody Living – Short film and map of local regeneration nexus in the show Convulsive Initiatives, Century Gallery, Hackney.
26 Feb 2002: Screening of The Occupation at ‘Work and Non-Work’ curated by Anthony Iles, part of Soft Season at inIVA, London.
16 Aug 2001: The Occupation (2001), screened at Edinburgh International Film Festival
18 May 2001: Screening of work in progress at Stadtluft macht frei! – a talk about the city, technoculture and ‘urban renewal’ at V2, Rotterdam.
Sept 1999 – June 2004: Set up and helped coordinate a reading group on philosophy and capital in Hackney, London.
FILM (Soundtracks):
Moderation (2016) Dir. Anja Kirschner. Contributed song, ‘Possessed’, Petit Mal (Ben Seymour/Melanie Gilligan, 2008).
The Common Sense, Dir. Melanie Gilligan, 2015. Full soundtrack. Excerpt:
Popular Unrest, Dir. Melanie Gilligan (2010). Full soundtrack. [Online]:
The Last Days of Jack Sheppard (2009), Dir. Anja Kirschner and David Panos. 2 sequences soundtrack.
Aune, or On Effective Demise (2012), Dir. Maija Timonen. Full soundtrack. Plus additional sound recording and editing.
Crisis in the Credit System (2008), Dir. Melanie Gilligan. Full soundtrack. Also: wrote additional dialogue for some episodes. [online]:
MUSIC (Records & Shows):
13 August 2010 Petit Mal live performance at Walter Phillips Gallery, The Banff Centre, Alberta, Canada. Opening event the exhibition Popular Unrest by Melanie Gilligan, and the Banff Summer Arts Festival.
19 November 2009: Petit Mal live performance at the ICA, London supporting The Red Krayola.
24 September 2009: Petit Mal live performance Karlsruhe Kunstverein for launch of exhibition ‘The Last Days of Jack Sheppard’, Anja Kirschner & David Panos.
May 2009 – Wrote and performed music for The Last Days of Jack Sheppard (2009), directed by Anja Kirschner and David Panos, commissioned and produced by Chisenhale Gallery London and CCA Glasgow with the support of the Henry Moore Foundation, Arts Council England and the Scottish Arts Council.
9 May 2009: Petit Mal (Ben Seymour and Melanie Gilligan) live session on WFMU radio, Jersey City, NY, USA.
6 May 2009: Petit Mal, live performance at Grey Room event at Issue Project Room, New York USA. With Emma Hedditch, Jutta Koether and Tony Conrad.
February 2009: Petit Mal – Petit Mal, 12 track album out on Difficult Fun records (CD only). Produced, recorded, written, with Melanie Gilligan. Tracks available online:
2 January 2009: Petit Mal live performance at Late at Tate, Tate Britain, London.
13 October 2008: Petit Mal – ‘Crisis in the Credit System’, 7” single/mp3 out on Difficult Fun.
September 2008: Wrote and performed the soundtrack for ‘Crisis in the Credit System’ (2008), directed by Melanie Gilligan, produced by Artangel, viewable online:
19 July 2008: Petit Mal, live performance, Analog Festival, Dublin, Eire.
27 April 2008: Petit Mal, live performance, Gi Festival closing party, CCA Glasgow, Scotland.
Autumn 2006: Antifamily – Antifamily – LP, Difficult Fun. (CD and vinyl). Tracks online:
Dec 2005: Petit Mal ‘Crisis II’, Und Jetzt Alle, Text Zur Kunst Sounds compilation, Text Zur Kunst no.60.
June 2005: Antifamily – Game & Erancy, Difficult Fun Compilation LP, Difficult Fun.
Jan 2004: Antifamily/ Antifamily EP, Difficult Fun. Tracks online:
Aug 2002: The Snakes, ‘Little Machine’, 4Eva – A tribute to fanaticism, The Physics Room, NZ.
Oct 93 - Sept 1994: MA American Literature & Theory since 1945. University of Sussex.
Oct 90 - June 93: BA English Literature (1st class hons). University College London.
Sept 89 - June 90: Fine Art Foundation course (Diploma with distinction), Shrewsbury College of Arts & Technology.
1976-1989: Educated in the UK secondary education system: free everything.

Thought for the day: i ‘love’ the idea of being able to calculate the value of anything/everything. it's so quaint/ historically destructive