Blackout, for the rioters of 2020-

2 June 2020

Accidental film by the not entirely fictitious MC M' (2023-2011, Rest In Pauvre)... 

One day after a long night shift at Royal Mail Greenford, where I was working during the first and second lockdown of 2020, I polarised myself while trying to set the cover artwork for my film Dead the Ends as the Zoom backdrop for an online dinner party discussion of blackness at a US museum. I and a multi-racial cast of disposable Heroes (of middle class hypocrisy?) beat the all-time record for sorting mail, parcels, garden furniture etc on one of those nights at the warehouse. One class was at home in the garden, another was working over time or rioting against systematic state/capital murder in other forms. This little Stackhanovite was, consequently, burned out on the morning (afternoon) of the Black Out Tuesday* social media shutdown in solidarity with the George Floyd uprising... The rest is hysteresis.